Let’s Jump into the Conversation About the Power of AR in E-Commerce, and Why Brands Today Are Keen on Integrating AR into Their Marketing Strategies

Traditional online shopping has its limitations. One of the biggest limitations affecting e-commerce platforms’ conversion rates is that customers can’t touch, feel, or try on products, which often leads to uncertainty and hesitation. In today’s fast-paced digital world, e-commerce is no longer just about offering products online. It’s about creating immersive, engaging, and personalized shopping experiences, allowing customers to visualize products in their own environment, try on virtual items, and interact with products in ways that were previously impossible.

The Impact of Hesitation on Conversion Rates

Hesitation in online shopping can significantly impact conversion rates. Studies show that up to 70% of shoppers abandon their carts due to uncertainty about the product. This hesitation stems from not being able to interact with the product physically, leading to a lack of confidence in purchasing decisions. Integrating AR can reduce this hesitation by providing a more tangible and interactive shopping experience.

Brands Harnessing the Power of AR

Several brands have successfully implemented AR in their e-commerce strategies with remarkable results:

  • IKEA Place App: IKEA’s AR app allows customers to visualize furniture in their homes before making a purchase. This enhances the shopping experience and significantly boosts confidence in purchase decisions. Since its launch, the app has seen a 300% increase in app downloads and a noticeable boost in sales.
  • Sephora Virtual Artist: Sephora’s AR tool lets customers try on makeup virtually. This innovative approach has resulted in a 20% increase in conversion rates, proving that when customers can see how products will look on them, they’re more likely to buy.
  • Warby Parker: This eyewear brand uses AR to let customers try on glasses virtually. The result? A seamless, engaging shopping experience that has contributed to Warby Parker’s growth and popularity in the competitive eyewear market.

Why AR? The Data Speaks

Numbers don’t lie, and the data surrounding AR in e-commerce is nothing short of impressive:

  • Increased Engagement: AR experiences captivate users, keeping them engaged longer. A study by Shopify found that AR experiences can increase user engagement by up to 200%.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: When customers can visualize products in their own space or try them on virtually, they’re more likely to make a purchase. Shopify’s research indicates that products with AR content have a 94% higher conversion rate compared to those without.
  • Reduced Returns: One of the biggest challenges in e-commerce is the high return rate due to products not meeting customer expectations. AR helps mitigate this issue by providing a more accurate representation of the product, leading to fewer returns.
  • Meeting Customer Expectations: Modern consumers expect cutting-edge technology. AR not only meets but exceeds these expectations, offering a futuristic shopping experience that stands out.
  • Competitive Edge: With more brands adopting AR, those that don’t risk falling behind. Embracing AR sets you apart from competitors and positions your brand as a leader in innovation.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: By providing a more interactive and accurate representation of products, AR boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty. Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your brand to others.

Getting Started with AR in E-Commerce

Implementing AR doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Start small, perhaps with a pilot project or a single product line, and measure the impact. Use the data to refine your approach and expand your AR offerings over time. Partnering with agencies specializing in AR can also provide the expertise and strategic insights needed to seamlessly integrate this technology into your existing media plan.


The future of e-commerce is here, and it’s augmented. By leveraging AR, you can create memorable, engaging, and personalized shopping experiences that drive customer satisfaction and boost your bottom line. Don’t just keep up with the changing landscape—lead the way with AR and watch your brand thrive.

Get in touch with us if you would like to know more about where to start and how to implement AR into your strategy!